How well do you know your bones?
By: Kerrie Murphy | 02/07/2017
Osteoporosis Australia and Garvin Institute of Medical Research has recently launched Know Your Bones project Australia’s first bone health self-assessment tool for consumers to understand their bone fracture risk. It is designed for 50 +, but it also gives a great outline for general actionable summary for all users of the online tool.
The launch coincides with the new Osteoporosis Australia fracture figures:
– 155,000 fractures will occur Austra…lia-wide this year
– a bone is broken every 3.4 minutes due to poor bone health
– men will account for up to 30 per cent of all fractures related to osteopenia and osteoporosis, and associated costs.
Osteoporosis reduces bone strength and increases the risk of fractures particularly spine, hips, wrists. So prevention is the key and encourages the community to be more proactive about their bone health.
Exercise plays a huge part in bone health. The type of exercise for bone health includes resistance and muscle strength as well as weight bearing exercises.
We need to be adaptable to our environment and resistant within our daily lives to keep us on our feet.
Improving balance, strength and coordination are key elements for bone health. Improving proprioception – where we are in space, alignment and posture is important to achieve our orientation in space and how we move within our environment.
Efficient breathing patterns also play a large role for the maintenance of upright posture. Training good breath mechanics through postural alignment of the spine improves postural stability which is important for balance.
The Pilates method works with the body a whole system and addresses all of these key elements to optimise our bodies.
As we age we tend to move less and our work places often involves sitting a lot of the time. This contributes to lack of strength, mobility and balance. It is time to take action and start making small changes that will ultimately improve the quality and longevity of your live.
Know your bones project is a big step forward for the community to check into your life; how well you are doing and how you can improve on what you already have.
If you are ready to take action and improve your bone health, call Infinity Pilates Studio 1300 761 134 or contact us at
See you in the studio. Kerrie
#osteoporosis #bonehealth #InfinityPilatesMelbourne #knowyourbones #pilates MOVE muscle, bone & joint health