Workshop – Live a fuller life through your Sixth Sense.
By: Kerrie Murphy | 02/07/2017
Lack of sensibility to movement in all its forms robs most people of a fulfilled life.
Life accelerates. Distraction and disconnection diminish attentiveness and mindfulness. Yet kinaesthesia — the sense of movement which develops awareness of, and connection to your body’s full physical and emotional being — remains an untapped asset.
In its absence, physical alignment, coordination, rhythm, and well-being all suffer. We endure muted sensations, impaired thinking, lost perspective, and heightened confusion.
Fascia, the missing link
Tuning in to your fascia, the largest sensory organ of kinaesthesia not only facilitates movement, but also how we feel about it, — the missing link to that fulfilled life.
When you listen to your kinaesthetic sense, you complete the cycle of informed choice. You complement your mental and spiritual worldview with a physical awareness that reinforces positive and breaks up negative patterns.
Embrace mindfulness with every movement, breath, and thought
Through the mindful movement practice of Pilates, you’ll discover that all our sensations connect to our lived experience.
Our Sixth Sense workshop will teach you how to listen to your body and to respond mindfully. The outcomes? Improve your natural ease and grace for a happier, more meaningful life.
Tuesday August 29th 5:30pm–7:00pm
Infinity Pilates Studio Suite 2, Level 1, 220 Carlisle Street, East St Kilda, VIC, 3183
COST $45.00
Phone: 03 9534 6233 Email:
Bookings are essential to secure your place.