BioTensegrity Anatomy for the 21st Century
By: Kerrie Murphy | 19/06/2016
BioTensegrity Anatomy for the 21st Century
Presented by John Sharkey BSc NIMT MSc from Dublin, Ireland. Clinical anatomist, Exercise physiologist, and European neuromuscular therapist.
My interest in the wonderful qualities of fascia drew my attention to articles written by John Sharkey on BioTensegrity. Last weekend I finally had the opportunity to meet John in Sydney and shake his hand. It was the beginning of a wonderful 2 day workshop organised through Terra Rosa, of further understanding of BioTensegrity and human motion.
As a clinical anatomist John began to explore the language of the body as one and gained an appreciation of the relationship and continuums of the living body.
This led him to the model of BioTensgerity and the work of Dr Stephan Levin.
BioTensegrity: Biological-tensile-integrity. It is the tensioned 3D structure that is formed under tension and compression. A continuous tensional network of connective tissue woven within the disconnected compressions elements, bones, suspended in the body.
John supports the fact that the relationship between tensions and compressions within the body is the true language of human motion.
BioTensegrity accounts for mind, body, soul as a team that works together, rather than the idea that of the body moving in parts. It is the dialogue that is spoken in the philosophy and principles of the Pilates Method.
I gained a wealth of insight and greater appreciation to the process of human life. How we are formed and move around in a living architecture.
This experience with John Sharkey has help widen my lense as a Pilates practitioner, and gained clarity to my language that provides the dialogue to articulate the fullness, the full body integrated system of the Pilates Method which is an infinite exploration of human motion.